According to a study Emarsysreleased in September 2020, the "Covid "* will shake up the habits of Black Friday (B.F) with new trends especially on the E-commerce sector but also on physical sales.

On the physical sales side,
Once is not usual, and for once the bad things have good. Indeed, thanks to Covid this year we should avoid the endless gold rushes at the entrance of department stores. No more fights in the supermarket aisles to get the latest 4K connected TV. No more hair-pulling to get the latest cordless vacuum cleaner... In theory, during the next edition of Black Friday, the consumer will probably not be able to walk the aisles of the big stores. They will have to be creative and imaginative in order to acquire the coveted product(s)! Here again, new trends are developing such as ROPO and Social Selling.
Store trends:
✅ Admission by invitation Loyalty offers make sense here! Loyalty program members could get personalized and early invitations. Indeed, stores should invite their loyal customers and thus meet Covid's requirements - covid that may limit the number of customers per store at the end of the year. ⭐Store tip: Collecting your customers' 06 or email should be a priority. How do you do it?
At the checkout, in exchange for an immediate discount or in the form of a contest or in the form of a coupon to return, or simply ask them to fill out a form. This data will allow you to better communicate with your customers and pamper them with personalized invitations! ⭐Tip for consumers: if you like a store, don't hesitate to give your contact information to receive their news and promotions.
✅ Trendy Gifts: If boxes and dematerialized kdos have had the wind in their sails these last years, with the Covid, we should see a massive sale of Mask (if only to go to the store 😊) but also to more classic products : vintage wine, Grand Cru champagne, nice shoes, nice outfit, the latest gadget... ⭐ We love the latest gadget made in France " Love Box »
On the online sales side,
A small selection of the Black Friday trends selected for this 2020 edition:
✅ XXL online Shopping :
While since 2016, online shopping has continued to grow, Social distancing, Covid, laws, cold and tuti quanti should convert the 2020 edition into an XXL phenomenon. According to a surveyAs a result, 91% of customers in the UK will not shop in-store during the upcoming Black Friday.
✅ Early balances :
The online sales should be off to a great start for Halloween or even before the end of October.
⭐ Consumer tip: accept notifications from your favorite sites now or risk missing out on coupon codes. Always be on the lookout for good deals. In a word, be smart.
✅ 4 season sales :
It is in the era of time, there is no more season. Sale periods are becoming more and more a part of our routines. And the next season should allow our stores to sell off their unsold items after a Covid year heavy with spring, summer, stand-alone stocks!
✅ The hunt for the ghost product:
Make no mistake, this is a very serious matter. Armadas of "bot" and "cookies" are struggling on behalf of e-tailers to finalize the sale of their products.
⭐ Definition: What is the Phantom Product or "Almost Sold" hunt? This is a communication strategy (all means are good: emails, sms, promotion code...) which consists in reminding the consumer that he was close to acquiring a product and that he might miss a rare product (product he had previously put in a virtual cart). E-merchants equipped with these tools are likely to reduce the number of cart abandonment and increase their sales.
✅ Orders on mobiles :
Last Black Friday, 61% of online transactions were done on mobile. This year, retailers will therefore resort to customer engagement via SMS or push notifications. It is therefore logical that the communication of retailers is very mobile oriented to give practical information: promo codes, opening hours, sponsorship offer.
✅ Free shipping :
Phenomenon that settles in all the big actors of the WEB with relay solutions at lower costs and good quality.
⭐Advice to consumers and small stores: Don't be fooled! At the end of the year, it is better to pay a little more for a transport service that will deliver your product on time.
The black spot of the 2020 edition of Black Friday
- "404 bad Gateway. During the previous editions of Black Friday we noted several considerable crashes in the unforgiving world of the web including OVH, Facebook, Instagram or Colissimo 😃
To conclude, the 2020 edition of Black Friday will be a special edition (so can we talk about trends?) with several factors to remember:
✅ Restriction of customers in stores
✅ Increase in online shopping
✅ Risk of server saturation
✅ Covid obliges, many classic merchants have decided to take the plunge by diving into this hurricane 2.0.
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