Discover our features

Are you looking for a turnkey transport solutions platform?
Gain productivity and discover the benefits of being a My Flying Box customer. Ship with multiple carriers at once and offer the best delivery options!
Registration is free and without any obligation and you pay as you go.
Our rates have no hidden fees or additional costs. Check out the features of our platform below.
100% MFB customer
Access to the MFB platform
Rates and incident manager, Incoterm DDP
Workshops MFB
E-commerce store
Support by email, phone
Importing command files
Unlimited users
Payment in the currency of your choice
Configuration settings: packaging, address, products, etc.
HS codes, duties and taxes calculation (€0.17/request)
API (0.10€/request)
Check us out
Save on your shipping costs
Your multi-carrier account also includes advantageous agreements with all our carriers,
in all countries without any commitment.