Send a parcel with Purolator
Purolator is a canadian postal service located in Mississauga. The company is mostly owned by the Société canadienne des postes (91%). Purolator is associated with UPS for international deliveries.
Creation date : 1960
Slogan : : Nous y allons, pour vous. Chaque jour- Purolator
Head office : Mississauga, Canada

Send a parcel with Purolator
Purolator is a canadian postal service located in Mississauga. The company is mostly owned by the Société canadienne des postes (91%). Purolator is associated with UPS for international deliveries.
Creation date : 1960
Slogan : : Nous y allons, pour vous. Chaque jour- Purolator
Head office : Mississauga, Canada
Available services
- Purolator Express
- Purolator Express 9
- Purolator Express 10:30
- Purolator Express Evening
- Purolator Express International
- Purolator Ground
How is the cost of sending the package calculated?
The cost of sending a package depends on the departure and destination addresses as well as the options you will select with or without signature, for example. The best way to find out how much it will cost to ship a package is to register on MyFlyingBox and make a first expedition.
On our online interface you can calculate the price of the shipment according to the size, the weight of your package, the country of departure, destination etc.
How to protect your package against loss or damage?
As a professional shipper, your package benefits from a standard MyFlyingBox guarantee, of a maximum of €50 in the event of theft and loss. For articles or products with high added value, we advise you to take out additional Ad Valorem insurance which will allow you to insure your parcels up to €100,000. In the event of theft, loss or damage, compensation will be calculated on the basis of the value declared during your shipment.
Complaints procedure for uninsured shipment
- Open a ticket in the incident manager on your online account by selecting the parcel number concerned
- A confirmation of the incident with the carrier will be made by our services
- Upon receipt of the confirmation of the loss by the carrier, we can validate the MyFlyingbox guarantee
- It will be necessary to provide us with the purchase and/or sale invoice including the full description of your goods to claim the guarantee which may go up to a maximum of €50.
- Damage due to defective packaging is not allowed by the carriers and therefore the transport costs remain the responsibility of the customer.
- In case of loss of the package, the shipping costs are always refunded.
It should be specified that the breakage or deterioration of your content is not covered by the MyFlyingBox guarantee.
Complaints procedure for insured shipment
- Open a ticket in the incident manager on your online account by selecting the parcel number concerned
- Wait for confirmation of the incident and/or loss with the carrier to be validated by our services
- Upon receipt of confirmation of loss or damage from the carrier, we will require:
- A purchase and/or sale invoice including the description complete with your merchandise
- Des photos de votre produit et de votre produit dans son emballage en amont de l’expédition seront nécessaire pour toutes les expéditions d’une valeur supérieure à 4000€Nous procèderons également au remboursement des frais de transport.
- Once the file is completed and validated, it will be sent to the insurance and the reimbursement will reach you within 15 days to 4 weeks depending on the value.
We kindly ask you to download from the incident manager the documents required by the insurance. Moreover, do not hesitate to consult our article Subscribe to My Flying Box “Ad Valorem” insurance for more details.
Tous les transporteurs ont des conditions générales de transport. Si vous dérogez à ces conditions, des suppléments peuvent être facturés sur votre facture par la suite. Lorsque vous envoyez avec un transporteur, vous acceptez automatiquement les Conditions Générales de ce transporteur.